Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Day of Practice

Final Day of Practice
We woke up this morning for the final day of practice to see that we received some rain.  From what we could see from the hotel it was not enough to really flood the track.  Oh, but we were so wrong once we had made our way to the track and saw only the low sections were under water.  This would delay practice until 1 pm allowing the track time to dry.  We were still able to get in the two timed practice runs that were needed to seed the qualifiers for tomorrow.  The track ended up coming around very nice after the first few heats had ran.  This was mainly due to all the sawdust that was put down to absorb the water. 

It was a bit of a flip-flop today with the team but we did learn a lot about where we needed to be with set-up.  Yesterday we had some of the team go in one direction and some go in another direction.  Today, the goal was to take those two directions and make them into one and we were very excited to do so.  The team is confident in the set-up we have going into qualifying tomorrow.  The team is also very up-beat and excited to have qualifying start tomorrow. Leading the team is Dakotah "The Phenom" Phend with his Orion powered Team Losi Racing 8IGHT 2.0. Dakotah ran strong each run and ended up 3rd overall out of the two practice runs. Team leader, Adam Drake, had a solid run to put him 19th overall followed by the 2012 European Champ Darren Bloomfield in 23rd. Then Matt Castellano 31st, JR Mitch in 37th and Australia's Craig Laughton in 38th rounded out the top 40. 

Weather!!. Mother nature has been the concern all week but more so today than any other.  From what we saw today from the little rain we did receive last night and what we hear is coming for the next three days, it’s not looking good for the event. As Dyno said in his LiveRC interview "It's gonna be a mudder." Only time will tell and we will have to see in the morning. When we left the track today the weather was looking quite ominous.