Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Two of Qualifying at The IFMAR World Championships

Day Two of Qualifying

WOW, what a day today was!  We saw a super high speed track become very bumpy and there was also quite a bit of dust on the track today making it very loose.  The bumps were really the hard part of the track today with most of the bumpy sections being right in front of jumps.   This was making it very difficult for drivers to get over them.  It is one thing to have tons of bumps in a straight line but when you have to go through bumps and still make the obstacles it is nearly impossible like we saw today.  I think the other challenging part for most of the drivers when it came down to mistakes is not losing your cool and make five more because of it.  It’s hard for a driver on a track like this to make two or even three big mistakes and still feel like he could have a good run, but as we saw today you can have tons of mistakes and still have a good run due to everyone making many mistakes.  The track got to a point in the last round today where some drivers decided to roll some of the jumps, with the feeling that if they had less crashes and did slower laps their runs would be faster. This strategy worked well for some.

The team is very upbeat and ready for tomorrow.  Adam Drake has been very consistent and sitting on the bubble to be in or out of the semi-finals come Saturday.  I have a feeling we will see a stellar run from him in the morning to lock him in.  Dakotah Phend had a rough day trying to find his way around this tough track like many did.  He was really looking good in the final round and had loads of confidence in the car until he had a run in with a crashed car that he couldn’t avoid, which damaged his servo putting him out the race.  He will need a really good solid run to make the semi-final.  I will say I was relieved to see Darren come around today not getting the best of runs but looking much faster and more confident in his driving.  He will need to punch it tomorrow to get the best possible points he can.  I had a chance to spend some time with one of our German driver s,Hannes Kaeufler, as we went and watched many of the races together.  He is a great driver but as many here, he is just having a hard time like everyone else with the super rough track conditions.  After the first four rounds Hannes was setting 54th overall.  I am so pumped for him!  Our Floridian driver JR Mitch is the man!!  I wish everyone could have seen him wheeling his TLR 8IGHT around the track in the final round today.  A 10th in round 5 today will keep his semi final hopes alive going into the final round of qualifying tomorrow.

At this point there is not one driver standing out over anyone else.  The track is getting rougher by the minute and all the drivers were so up and down all day.  After our team meeting this afternoon we have a pretty good game plan going into the final round. Hopefully our game plan for tomorrow will work for the team.