Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Todd Report

Well the team made it to Thailand safely. The first flight from LAX to HK was 15 hours then we flew from HK to Bangkok which was another 2.5 hours then a car ride of 1.5 hours to our hotel. Total travel time from door to door was around 27 hours and for me the jet lag was not too bad.

Sunday was the first day we made it to the track to get cars teched and setup pit areas. The Pattaya track is huge and it gave me goosebumps looking at it. This track will be a true test of the drivers talent and concentration. They ran a practice run today for racers who have not qualified for the event and they will run a 30 minute race tomorrow for these drivers. One participant in this race is Surikarn Chadisuryia (probably mispelled). I am not sure how many spots are open but they will race for these final positions to compete in 2010 WC.

As for the racers who are already qualified they will run two 10 minute practice runs tomorrow. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Truhe is up in race 1 and I think Drake is in race 3 or 4. The track is really green right now and has been oiled so it will probably take most of tomorrow to get the track run in.
Check out some of the photos from our travels to and from the track. A few of the guys rented scooters for their local transportationl. $30 for a one week rental.

The first few pics are of us trying to figure out how to get all of us and luggage to the track. We ended up getting a 3rd van to take our baggage and I had the joys of riding with the driver who spoke no english. To say the least it was a very long and quiet drive. The small pickup truck is our taxi to and from the track.
A few more photos to follow with random stuff I have seen.

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