Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Putting the 5.0 steering rack on your 22T 4.0

This week's TLR's blog post about putting the 5.0 steering rack on your 22T 4.0 comes from TLR driver Ean Reilley

It’s a very simple modification of the bulkhead as shown in the pictures, which can be easily done with a dremel.  Make sure to keep checking the clearance so you don’t remove too much material, which would make the bulkhead weak. Also, when doing this you need to make sure to use the 5.0 Ackerman Plates along with changing out your tunbuckles to 55mm length; same length as the 5.0 rear turnbuckles. The benefit of this modification is how smooth the steering is all the way throughout the corner and the ability to get a little more steering.

Parts needed
TLR331032 (23t)

I would like to thank Ean for the post and good luck in your racing!

#22empire #8realm #DriveTLR

Friday, November 8, 2019

1/18 Mini-T 2.0

Reinvented with modern technology and Team Losi Racing engineering, the Losi Mini-T 2.0 1/18th-scale 2WD Truck honors the heritage of the original Mini-T with features and options never dreamed of back in the day.


Scaled Down Version of the 1/10th 22T
Mid Motor Configuration
Aluminum Chassis
Threaded Oil Filled Shocks
Fully assembled and ready-to-run
Dynamite 7.4V 2S 650mAh 20C Li-Po Battery
BK Bar Tires with Dish Wheels
Full Ball Bearings (less steering)
Servo Saver
Waterproof electronics*
22 Suspension Geometry
Option Parts Availability


Reinvented with modern technology and Team Losi Racing® engineering, the Losi® Mini-T® 2.0 1/18th-scale 2WD Truck honors the heritage of the original Mini-T with features and options never dreamed of back in the day. With suspension geometry updated and taken from the TLR® 22 platform and the inclusion of waterproof* electronics with a 2.4Ghz radio system, everything here takes a step above the Mini's on the market. RC enthusiasts looking for something small, but with the performance of a 1/10 scale vehicle will find plenty to love in the Mini-T 2.0. It features a mid-motor configuration for better balance, oil filled shocks, aluminum chassis, and a full range of option parts all in a total ready-to-run package. You get TLR engineering and performance in a 1/18th size package.

#DriveTLR #8realm #22empire